
Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Sudan Government, Rebels Sign Peace Pact 

After many hours of delay and pressure from outside parties, the final peace agreement, (hopefully) ending the civil war was signed an hour or so ago.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Peace is coming in Sudan 

Unless unexpected events come up over the night, a signing of a final protocols ending the civil war in Sudan will happen tomorrow, in Kenya. BBC has it.

The actual treaty will take a couple of weeks to hammer out, and may be signed elsewhere, maybe somewhere very, very visible.
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Friday, May 21, 2004

Is Kerry channelling Jed Bartlet on antiabortion judges? 

According to Ron Fournier, of the Associated Press, Kerry could back an antiabortion judge, under specific circumstances. People are crying "foul", for some reason, but the only thing I see happening, is that Kerry would view a replacement for Scalia differently than a replacement for Souter.

This reminds me of What would Jed Bartlet do? As we all know, Jed Bartlet would replace a liberal and a conservative with a new pair of a liberal and a conservative.

It seemed excellent on TV, in one of the best episodes of The West Wing this season: "The Supremes". Would real life be like that....

[Cross-posted to
my diary at DailyKos, with a little fun poll.]

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Rumsfeld news 

Update: OK, apparently that script doesn't cooperate well with this blogger template or something, but here's the link:

The Rumsfeld Wire

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